Business Funding

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Short Term Funding

Short term funding allows you to access funding in as little as 24 hours, without carrying long term debts. With relaxed qualifications, this type of funding can really help a business accelerate.

Merchant Cash Advance Consolidation

Businesses with merchant cash advances often look to consolidate. Our program allows you to pay off daily payment advances, convert to a monthly payment loan, and restore cash flow. Of all types of business loans, this is our most popular.

SBA Loans

An SBA loan is a government-guaranteed small business loan that has a long-term and a low-interest rate. The Small Business Administration (SBA) is the government agency that partially guarantees SBA loans.

Term Loans

A term loan is a great fit for longer term needs, with terms going 2-5 years, a term loan allows flexibility of a low monthly payment, with no prepayment penalties.

Equipment Financing

Equipment financing allows you to obtain equipment on a monthly payment with terms to 84 months and Section 179 tax incentives.

Invoice Factoring

Many businesses work on net terms, and can use the funds today. Invoice factoring allows you to access your receivables without creating debt, and keeps cash flow moving for growth.